
標題: 烈燄邪神樂團(In Flames)【烏托邦(Whoracle)】 [打印本頁]

作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 05:48 PM     標題: 烈燄邪神樂團(In Flames)【烏托邦(Whoracle)】

烈燄邪神樂團(In Flames)【烏托邦(Whoracle)】
【歌手名稱】烈燄邪神樂團(In Flames)
◎再度施展強硬力道與優美旋律的完美烈燄 壓抑許久的情緒即刻爆發
◎2008全新母帶數位化錄製 內含Music Video、桌布、團員照片以及專屬Media撥放介面等超值內容

  在2008年英國權威金屬雜誌Metal Hammer所舉辦的Hammer Golden Gods頒獎典禮上,In Flames擊敗各路英雄好漢順利奪下年度最佳國際樂團獎項!證明這組成軍至今已18個年頭的Melodic Death Metal翹楚用充滿內涵及深度的音樂創作打破樂種界線,一舉登上國際舞台,成功征服全世界無數樂迷,為北歐金屬輝煌歷史成績再建新里程碑!

  時間回碩到1990年,原為Ceremonial Oath吉他手的Jesper Stromblad為追求將旋律色彩融入到死亡金屬中理念,選擇脫離樂團並夥同志同道合的Glenn Ljungstrom(吉他)、Johan Larsson(貝斯)另闢全新陣線In Flames。自製Demo得到Wrong Again Records老闆賞識進而簽下合約,請來Mikael Stanne(Dark Tranquillity)擔任臨時主唱一同進駐知名Studio Fredman錄音室完成了首張專輯「Lunar Strain」;狂野架構混搭憂鬱柔順音調、摒棄節奏吉他改而使用和聲音程雙主奏吉他等驚人之舉立刻吸引到聽眾的熱烈響應!隨後加入鼓手Bjorn Gelotte與主唱Anders Friden之時更被知名大廠Nuclear Blast欽點入籍,推出了經典代表作「The Jester Race(1996)」,不但與Dark Tranquillity、At the Gates聯手擊出當代音樂圈最重要的"哥登堡之聲",更打進日本進口金屬唱片排行榜取得冠軍,成為In Flames跨足海外的重要關鍵。

  有著Dark Tranquillity當家吉他手Niklas Sundin 參與創作的第三張概念性專輯「Whoracle」在1997年推出,故事主題設定在未來世界,人類即將被自己發明的尖端科技大舉反撲,社會一切都面臨毀滅並建立起新生秩序;首支單曲"Jotun"挾帶狂爆力道與優美旋律,壓抑情緒即刻爆發;透過Anders猛烈嘶吼道盡"Food for the Gods"人類自私無比的愚蠢作為;"Gyroscope"以哀愁情懷空心吉他引出末段激昂的金屬攻勢;而"Dialogue With the Stars"則展現出Jesper與Glenn絕佳的演奏默契;"The Hive"、"Episode 666"火力全開突顯硬派作風,叫人完全陶醉在In Flames所塑造出的抽象國度。

01 Jotun
02 Food For The Gods
03 Gyroscope
04 The Hive
05 Dialogue With The Stars
06 Jester Script Transfigured
07 Morphing Into Primal
08 Worlds Within The Margin
09 Episode 666
10 Everything Counts
11 Whoracle
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 05:55 PM

01 Jotun

I often dream of huge numb buildings
jet-black sinister architecture
being installed when nobody sees
Their appearance so sudden
that few would take notice

And when I wake up
I imagine being crushed by one
imagining it's weight it's silence
and the absence of excuses for a havoced life
and the priviledge of a 22-kilometer tombstone


A body of black
that carried no reflection
defying it's own room
un-earthly eggs of decreation

There would be colonies
mushroom-scattered forever out of context
rising spores from a dying world
to pollute to chase away what's left

Sun-white pulverised desert stone
and serpentine lizard mouths
Pales away the pyramids
rewriting 4500 years of history
raping the statue of liberty
outplays the acropolis
inverting the fjords
invades the N.Y skyline to
dream it's own existence in one single final word


Can we identify them
as the flint buried in our reptile skulls
or the time-bomb coded in our dna
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:01 PM

02 Food For The Gods

Shame marries the guilt
introduces itself to the
concept of total loneliness
Sensations repressed
make friends with
Suicidia and
here the leeches begin to
suck away the lust for life

Escape takes lead
into a world unknown uncontrolled by all
where border are erased and potential infinite
Chosen cells glands and transmittors
blast the body with joy
Astral feet running
up to dimension covered with gold
stairs of glowing ectoplasma
safir onyx and buzzing vibrations
A dead man banquet
food for the gods

There's only 1 real world
our earth is but a shadow
Created from a child's heart a living jewel
from now on abode for a soul in its setting

sutting the bloodline
re-tie the bleeding roots
to a heavenly ship of glass
and let it drift in passive arrogance
in a one-word dialogue with the stars
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:04 PM

03 Gyroscope

Geology is digging through
my brain
a manta engulfing the world
to throw it up once again
to a guild of a lifted dagger

Neo-wolf but older again
than the Lupus itself
linked its fur to the gyroscope of time
a collection of failures

A diabolical sequences of stabs
written in cunning stone
from the fossilised of thieves
our lives dies

I see the nursing all-mother
spitting out a trail of termites
in the mouth of her first-born hope
breast ripe with smog-filled rebellion

Apathy dressed in violence
white insectoid legs
curse her lips and mouth
receptive only to pain
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:09 PM

04 The Hive

April night-tyme
And we run like muscles through the stagnant nodes of man
Blood-bridges lean towards the gaping synapses
to disarms the stars within us

Hornet Hive-dark
Severed wings in vainless beating
buzz out from inferno of fangs
to disarms the stars within us

We should have been
so much more by now
Too dead inside
to even know the guilt

Waning Ring-deep
a halo of thorns
Sips now down in the sheets of sharp silver
to disarm the star within us
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:21 PM

05 Dialogue With The Stars

This song is an Instrumental.
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:30 PM

06 Jester Script Transfigured

new beginning held in infinite vacuum
Biotronic test-world free of inscription
devoid of the echoes of man
noble savage cyborg

In the cold ceremonial perfection
more radiant than the sum of suns
with each and every attribute
of animal machine and man

Dystopia ElectroHeart
the grotesque and the linear
took one final giant blow
into the Ram of
what is us

Installing awaiting the restoration of unsequenced chaos

We've only seen the outlines of the beggining
and this core the slowly moving raptor
will make the very notion of Hell
seem celestial in comparison
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:32 PM

07 Morphing Into Primal

Fireworks and alchemy
Genes spliced and triggered
into the future
and her organic cave

Seismorgasmic omnipotence
scenes of magma in my eyes
Eruption stones my system

I owe this to the animal inside
and the stiffness that blocks out the daylight
Morphing into primal

I'll cover every particle
from there to Andromeda
not forgetting a single location
from the throat of Ibis
to the co-ordinate of Matterhorn

My shot is genesis and catharsis
Penetratonaut in a cosmology of lust

Suck this subterrenean creature out
and show it proudly to the house of heaven
With one slight wave of my hand
star dissolves

Dissolve my brain
Block my lungs
I'll die from fever tomorrow
when locked in sych a perfected "now"
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:41 PM

08 Worlds Within The Margin

Raindrop hits the leaf changing it's position slightly on the street
next to polls of monotonous waters He walks Slipping feet from
steps at random He falls

In the space of between his body and the ground
comets cast off their names stellar neurones misfire

inhale the seed
and spit out a million branches

Buds abloom in all directions
frin which events occur
relations and virused meetings
catch fire and explode
In the margin of butterfly wings
entire cycles of evolution
outplayed and faded
sparked away and leaned back into
vacuum-filled nirvana

Between the two of my eyes
feverish fractal scar
Dance like were they on drugs
peyote labyrinth re-mapped exits
A hasty blink
and a million life-to-comes
will never be the same
as they never were

In the kinetic energy of a moving fist
lies a birth-machine for a parallel universe

With the first movement in organic scap
came a bouquet of alternative answers
all different multiplied and re-divided

Coded in the spinal cord of a trilobite
written between the legs on the Meganeura
suburban city maps and dormant dictator semen
marked their way through time
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:43 PM

09 Episode 666

Welcome here, the squirrel-wheel begins
fasten the left hand belts
Remember not to think too much
and your trip will be numbingly pleasant

Non-caring is the easiest way
but to secure a passage to the 2nd plane
you have to complete level one
Their dead-smile lips turn on their TV
while urban gravestones scrape the skies
Rising over marionette cities and marionette skies

This is episode 666
destination chaos
Each and all an actor blind
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:46 PM

10 Everything Counts

The handshake
Seals a contract
From the contract
There's no turning back
The turning point
Of a career
In Korea being insincere

The holiday
Was fun packed
The contract:
Still intact

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The graph
On the wall
Tells the story
Of it all
Picture it now
See just how
The lies and deceit gained a little more power

Confidence taken in
By a sun tan
And a grin

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts
作者: jk520    時間: 2011-12-11 06:53 PM

11 Whoracle

This song is an Instrumental.

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